Você está aqui: Página Inicial Disciplinas 2012.1 Desenvolvimento Web Codecademy


Calendário de desenvolvimento das atividades no Codecademy


DataAtividades a serem feitas até a data definida


Semana 1: Introduction

Getting Started with Programming (42)

Project: Fizzbuzz (5)

Semana 13: Build a Wepage

HTML Fundamentals (21)

Project: Build your first webpage (5)


Semana 2: Functions in JavaScript

Functions in JavaScript (27)

Project: Review of Functions in JavaScript (8)

Semana 14: More HTML and basic styling

More with HTML (25)


Semana 3: Conditionals in JavaScript

Conditionals in JavaScript (29)

Project: Dice Game (6)

Project: Starting a Startup (7)

Semana 14: More HTML and basic styling

Project: Make a Recipe Card (10)


Semana 4: Build Blackjack

Review Primitives in JavaScript (39)

Project: Blackjack: Deal 'em Up (14)

Semana 15: Style webpages with CSS

CSS: Coding with Style (38)


Semana 5: Objects in JavaScript

Introductions to Objects I (33)

Project: Building an Address Book (5)

Project: Olympic Tryouts (5)

Semana 15: Style webpages with CSS

Project: First Website Using HTML and CSS (14)


"Repescagem" para quem deixou de completar alguma atividade

Completar 300 pontos

(Sem efeito na nota. É apenas para alinhamento.)


Semana 16: Advanced CSS Selectors

Advanced CSS Selectors (23)

Put It All Together: Build a Resume (16)

Semana 17: Introduction to CSS Positioning

Intro to CSS Positioning (20)


Semana 17: Introduction to CSS Positioning

Project: Create a Personal Webpage (9)

Semana 18: Advanced CSS Positioning

Advanced CSS Positioning (18)

Project: Pizza Time! (10)

20/10/2012 Meta: 400 pontos (100 pontos no período)

Semana 6: Objects in JavaScript, Part II

Introductions to Objects II (30)

Project: Building a Cash Register (7)

Semana 7: Loops in JavaScript

Loops in JavaScript (33)


Semana 7: Loops in JavaScript

Project: Getting Dicey (8)

Semana 8: Build Blackjack

Blackjack: Hit me (8)

Project: FizzBuzz++: Return of Modulus (14)

10/11/2012 Meta: 500 pontos (100 pontos no período)

Semana 9: Review of OOP

Review of Object-Oriented Programming (29)

Project: Cash Register Part II (9)

Semana 10: Array and Loops in JavaScript

More Fun with Arrays (25)


Semana 10: Array and Loops in JavaScript

Project: Rock, Paper, Scissors: Part II (8)


Semana 11: Recursion in JavaScript

Recursion in JavaScript (26)

Project: Recursive Functions (6)

24/11/2012 Meta: 600 pontos (100 pontos no período)

Semana 12: Build Blackjack Final (Feito em sala de aula durante as aulas dos dias 22 e 23)

Blackjack: Final Game (14)  (Vale 10 pontos extras)


Semana 19: JavaScript on the Web

HTML + JavaScript + Web (25)

Project: A Simple Counter (5)

Semana 20: Build a webpage from Scratch!

Build a webpage from Scratch! (9)


Semana 21: JavaScript and jQuery

JavaScript  review for jQuery (18)

Project: jQuery Bar Graph (5)

Semana 22: Getting with jQuery

Basic jQuery (19)

Project: jQuery Checkers (7)


Meta: 700 pontos (100 pontos no período)

(Se necessário, completar a pontuação com outros exercícios)